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Gradual adjustment

There are a lot of things that I need to do, so today will be mainly spent making lists.  This is the end of my second week of unemployment and it still feels somewhat like a holiday. This week will see lots of job applications being sent in, along with requests for tables at a couple of local craft fairs.  I've needed the break to allow my body and my mind to rest and recuperate, and it turns out that life has thrown me a couple of familial curve balls. Let's see if I have the diplomacy and organisation skills to deal with them, even though I'm not sure I needed the challenge! Part of my healing process is trying to catch up on sleep, which means that I can sometimes be out of synch with other people.  Tonight's been a great example of that. However, I've used the time to get some creative work done and I've ended up making 20 charm bangles and several sets of wineglass charms.  The gremlins are also back on the case as well as I'm missing all of my She
Recent posts

Plot Twist for 2017

Hello again, I've finally made one of the most important decisions I've ever had to and implemented it. I have left my job of 16 years in order to make massive changes to my life. These are both exciting and unnerving times for me. My reasons for quitting are many, varied and could make this blog post into a full-on essay so I shall refrain from inflicting that on you, Dear Reader. I will be looking for other work over the next few weeks but my goals for the near future include spending time with family members and friends who I don't see enough of, increasing my creative output and encouraging others to create too and getting into a regular rhythm with social media. There will also be a lot of coffee consumption. While these changes are not going to be easy, I have needed to make them for the sake of my health and what little sanity I have remaining.  I also have to say that the response I've had from people close to me has been overwhelmingly positive and I can&

The "empty cup" moment

While perusing Pinterest recently (a favourite hobby of mine and the reason why people don't see me for days), I found an interesting Pin that gave me food for thought.  I won't re-post the pin here because I don't want to offend it's creator or break it's copyright anyway,  but it simply said "You cannot pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first." As analogies go it's very simple and eloquent but it really did give me a light-bulb moment.  The statement applies to many people I know, including myself.  I'm not the most generous of people, especially with my time, but I know a lot of my friends and family are.  They're incredibly giving of themselves, giving their time, energy and enthusiasm to so many others that I don't know what we would do with out them. It's not a selfish act to take care of yourself.  If you spend your time taking care of others, working hard and providing support for those close to you then you need

Interesting Times

There is a curse, oft mentioned by the late, lamented Terry Pratchett.  It says "May you live in interesting times".  Well, I've been living in interesting times since I last blogged anything.  There have been all kinds of happenings at the Palace and some of them have been very difficult, not just for me and my feline bosses, but for my family and friends too. I'm not going to go into great detail as I don't have a bottle of wine to hand. Needless to say though, this means that certain changes will be reflected in the blog.  I would say normal service would be resumed shortly, but "normal" sounds so boring.  The time has come to make opportunities and to make things.  Grab your glue guns, your pliers and your yarn and let's get making. Spread the creativity!


Stuff. Stuff everywhere.  I'm not just a hoarder, I'm a genetic hoarder. Both of my parents come from families where as much as possible was stashed away, "just in case" it was needed. I'm just the same, I see potential in all sorts of random things and so I keep them for projects that I'll "eventually get round to".  I also adore books.  Not just fiction but practical books, books that need a loving home and have knowledge to impart. I often see parallels between a certain magical orangutan, created by the wonderful Sir Terry Pratchett, and myself.  I can lose myself in a library for hours. Some of you, Dear Readers, will be nodding along in experience. Some, like my minimalist step-parents, won't quite understand and that's absolutely fine - in both instances. This week will see a couple of decisions come to fruition.  I am going to charity shop at least 2 larges boxes of stuff and 2 large boxes of books. I've also had some succes

Crafty Traveller

I observed a couple in Gateshead Interchange this morning, taking their bags along to the bus stop where the holiday coaches leave from.  Being dragged along behind them was a black canvas suitcase on wheels.  Just like any other black canvas suitcase on wheels. Like the other dozen-or-so black canvas suitcases waiting to be loaded onto different coaches.  However, as well as being obviously labelled, this suitcase had a crafty addition.  Around the handles of this case were some luminous orange tube grips, hand knitted in chunky yarn and stitched around each handle.  So with one crafty step this couple have a more comfortable grip while carrying the case and can identify it easily. I don't know which half of the couple is the crafter but they've given me my light-bulb craft moment for the day and I salute them.  I can't help but wonder if they partake in a spot of knitted graffiti and, if not, then I think they should be encouraged. Do you look for little creative q

Beaded Biblio-Belle xx

My lovely friend, the lady behind, who also has an Instagram account at @Jst1MoreChapter, has recently had a giveaway for reaching 200+ followers!  Well done to her and can I say congratulations to her followers for having excellent Instagram taste! @Jst1MoreChapter has gorgeous Instagram shots of books, coffee and lovely places.  She is also a prolific reader and does reviews on lots of different YAF, paranormal romance, chicklit and lots of nicely dark fiction.  If you have an Instagram account I recommend you pay her page a visit. I was incredibly flattered when she asked me if I could make something book-related for her giveaway.  Not knowing the tastes of potential recipient, I came up with a crystal bookmark and co-ordinating crystal bag charm. The 3 pendants are a Man-in-the-Moon with a sleeping cherub, a silver book entitled "A True Story" and a swirl pendant with the phrase "Follow Your Dreams" written on it.